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 The Prophet's miracles

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Registration date : 2008-01-14

The Prophet's miracles Empty
PostSubject: The Prophet's miracles   The Prophet's miracles EmptyMon Mar 10, 2008 3:32 pm

The Prophet's miracles

The Prophet's miracles (increasing water )
The prophet's miracles were numerous , among these was his supplication to Allah for rain when he was giving a sermon as it did not rain in its due time ,God answered him so apace that he ascended down the pulpit with his beard wet with rain water .
It was narrated on the authority of Anas bin Malik "On a Friday a person entered the main Mosque through the gate facing the pulpit while Allah's Apostle was delivering the Khutba (sermon). The man stood in front of Allah's Apostle and said, 'O Allah's Apostle! The livestock are dying and the roads are cut off; so please pray to Allah for rain.' " Anas added, "Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) raised both his hands and said, 'O Allah! Bless us with rain! O Allah! Bless us with rain! O Allah! Bless us with rain!' " Anas added, "By Allah, we could not see any trace of cloud in the sky and there was no building or a house between us and (the mountains of) Sila." Anas added, "A heavy cloud like a shield appeared from behind it (i.e. Sila' Mountain). When it came in the middle of the sky, it spread and then rained." Anas further said, "By Allah! We could not see the sun for a week. Next Friday a person entered through the same gate and at that time Allah's Apostle was delivering the Friday's Khutba. The man stood in front of him and said, 'O Allah's Apostle! The livestock are dying and the roads are cut off, please pray to Allah to with-hold rain.' " Anas added, "Allah's Apostle I raised both his hands and said, 'O Allah! Round about us and not on us. O Allah! On the plateaus, on the mountains, on the hills, in the valleys and on the places where trees grow.' So the rain stopped and we came out walking in the sun "
( Bokhury Collection , No:1013.1014, 1015,1016 and also narrated in Moslem Collection , praying for water chapter and also narrated in ibn Maga Collection (1272)
434-Water spouts out between the prophet's fingers :
Anas , one the Hadith narrators , says : " It was the time of As'r prayer and people searched for water but in vain , it was then that the prophet brought some water for ablution and he dripped his hand in the vessel and ordered the people to do their wadou (ablution ) , I saw water running out from under his fingers and all people till the last one did their ablutions .Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3573) and Sahîh Muslim , the merits of the prophet and AL-Nasa'ey (ablution chapter ) , Turmthy in the characteristics of the prophets )
In another version the number of the people was estimated to be eighty persons while in another version they amounted to be three hundred persons .(Sahîh al-Bukhârî )
Three hundred persons did the ablution from the ablution from one person , yes, one person ;When compared with Moses' miracle when water gushed out from the rocks , the prophet's miracle stands uncontestable as water spouting from fingers is more miraculous than water spouting from rocks .
435-(1400) : From a dry well ,they quench their thirst
Narrated Albara ibn Azeb : "On the day of Al-Hudaibiya we were fourteen hundred men along with the Prophet ,Al-Hudaibiya was a well, the water of which we used up leaving not a single drop of water in it. When the Prophet was informed of that, he came and sat on its edge. Then he asked for a utensil of water, performed ablution from it, rinsed (his mouth), invoked (Allah), and poured the remaining water into the well. We stayed there for a while and then the well brought forth what we required of water for ourselves and our riding animals. (Sahîh al-Bukhârî )
436- With a little water in a bucket , a well with a little water turns like a river :
Narrated Al-Bara ibn Aazeb :" We were with the prophet in one of his travels and we passed by a small well with little water , I was the sixth of sex peoples ,who went down in the well (to get water) : A bucket was sent down and then lifted to the prophet filled to its half or its two thirds with water , then I tried hard to find a trace of water just to wet my throat but in vain , so I lifted the bucket to the prophet , who dipped his hand in it and he said what God willed him to say and then the bucket with its contents was send down ( and we poured its contents into the well) , then the well overflowed with water like a river to the extent that I saw one of us being lifted with thawab (garment ) lest he should be drowned .
Ibn Katheer , Al Bedya and wa ALnehya (6/104,103) also only mentioned in Amamed collection of Hadiths , good chain .
437-The prophet spat at the dry Hodybya well so it became fountains spouting with water
Narrated Nagya ibn Goundeb " When we were in a place called Algameem , the prophet received an item of news that Qourish sent Khalid ibn Al-waleed in a group of horsemen to encounter the prophet , the prophet , being merciful about them , he hated to face him , so he said : "Is there a man among you who can lead us another way (other than this) ? " and I said " I can ." , so I took them to unfrequented way , habitat of many harmful insects and we kept on walking till we reached flat ground and we kept walking till we reached Hodybia ,where we camped ,it was a barren land ….so he , out of his arrow bag ,shot two arrows at the ground making two holes, he then spat at both of them and invoked God so they became fountains spouting with water to the extent that we can dip out water if wish , I swear by God these fountains kept gushing out with (quenching ) water till they left .
438- The Salty well turns sweet
Narrated Hmam ibn Nfeed Alsa'dy :a well has been dug just for us but found it not sweat , so the prophet gave him a small pot of sweat water and ordered him to pour its water in the well , on pouring this little water in the well , it turned sweet and even the sweetest in Yemen ."
439 : Water turned blessed when seven pebbles rubbed by the prophet's hands are thrown in it .
Narrated Zy'ad Alharth Alsade'y , may God be blessed with him , " I accompanied the prophet on one of his travels , he said to me: "Do you have water ?" I said "yes but too little to suffice you ." He said " pour it down in a bowel and bring it to me ." I did what he ordered me to do and I brought him the bowel , the prophet put the palm of his hand in the bowel and I saw a fountain of water spouting among every two of his fingers . The prophet said if it weren't for my shyness from God , I would store water and then he said to me " Call my companions to take as much water as they like " .
Zy'ad Alharth Alsade'y , the narrator of the Hadith , said : a delegation from my tribe came announcing their embracing Islam and their entire obedience to the prophet , a man from this delegation said to the prophet :" O ,prophet of Allah , we have a well that spouts with water that suffices us so we gather around it but when it is summer , its water decreases, so we have to go every direction where others wells are and we can't do this now as all tribes around us have become enemies , so pray to Allah to make this well spout with water that suffices us ." The prophet ordered us to bring him seven pebbles ,which he rubbed them and then supplicated Allah and said to us "when you come to this well , throw these pebbles one by one and mention the name of Allah when you throw each of them .So they ,after throwing these pebbles , never saw the its bottom (that used to see in summer) as if it had been fathomless , Glory be to Allah , the Most High and the Almighty .
Abo-Dawood Hadith collections , prayer chapter , under the rubric gathering people call prayer by a certain man and call prayer for doing the prayer by another one – Turmthy sunan , the chapter of "who makes the call prayer should make the prayer call (199) "– Ahamed (4/169) – Albyhky in his collection " the signs of prophethood ,under the rubric " the frequentation of gushing water among the prophet's fingers" (4/125,127) – Al-bedya wa Al Nehya (6/101)
440- The prophet puts his hand in two small containers of water , so water abundantly increase and a contingent of forty propels drank to their fill.
Narrated Omran ibn Haseen " I was with the prophet in one of his travels , we kept our march till the end of the night , in the beginning of the morning we halted and we have falle asleep , the first to have got up was some one and then Omer ibn Alkhatab , he approached the place where the prophet was sleeping and began to say " Allah is the Greatest " , he kept doing this and rising his voice till the prophet woke up . The prophet , on seeing that the sun rose , said " let's leave " , he kept leading us in our march till it was noon and then he stopped to lead us in the noon prayer . some one kept himself aloof and did not pray with us , so the prophet said to him :"why didn't you pray with us. "I am impure " the man said . The prophet ordered him to do his ablution by cleaning himself with dry earth and pray and the man did .
We were so thirsty, so the prophet promptly included me in some riders to search for water .While we were walking in search for water , we met a woman ( who seems to be on the same task ) with two skin bags filled with water ; so we said to her " where can we get water ?" , how impossible ! you can't get water here ." she said ."How long is it between the abodes of your tribe and water ?"we said . she said :" A distance that takes a day and night to cover ."
We said to her " come to meet the prophet of Allah !" she said " what is the prophet of Allah ?" , but we didn't give her any choice till we brought her to the Prophet . The prophet asked her the same questions we asked and she gave the same answer she gave us adding that she was the mother of two orphans.The prophet ordered that her water bag should be descended and then he blessed this water by putting some of his saliva in and then he sent her (already blessed )vessel of water to the forty people with him ,who were so thirsty and we ,drank to our fill and filled all our vessels and pots and we gave our friend enough water to wash (purify his impurity ) and the bag of water is till so pregnant with water that it was about to explode but we didn't give water for animals to drink .
Then the prophet ordered us to bring him what we have ( meaning food) , so we have heaped for her pieces of bread and dry dates and put them in a piece of cloth that we tied it and the prophet ordered her to go to feed her orphan children and said to her "Rest assured that we didn't any water from your skin bag ." The woman went back to her tribe and told them about the prophet ;she said " I have met either the cleverest ever found magician or he was a prophet as he claimed .All the people of her tribe embraced Islam by the virtue of this woman." ( Ahamed collection of Hadith )
441-The once-little water well turned into ever-water gushing well
Narrated Yahia ibn Saeed that Ans ibn Malek visited them in Ke'ba and enquired a bout a certain well there , so I took him to where it was and he, on his way to the well ,said to me :"this well's water used to be too little that it would drain when some one sparkled his donkey with its water ; when the prophet came to it ,he ordered us to bring him a pot filled with waterfrom it and then he either made ablution from its water or put some of his blessed salvia in it and then he ordered that the water in thepot should be returned back again into the well and the well , as a result , never went dry , I kept staying by the wellto see if its water would run out but it didn't , then , when he reached it , he made ablution and wash his foot-wear ( sandal) and did the prayer " ( Al-Bayhky 's signs of propherhood )
442- Water gushes out between the prophet's fingers
Narrated Gaber ibn Abd Allah – May God bless both of them –"The prophet's companions complained to the prophet of thirst , so the prophet asked for a small vessel( generally used for milk ) and poured into it little water and then put his hand in the vessel and then asked his companions to drink , Gaper added saying " I saw water fountains spout among the fingers of the messenger of Allah ." ( Narrated in Al-Bayhky collection of the signs of prophethood and mentioned another version as evidence to its verity ,AL-Sayouty copied it in his Collection ,too)
443- among each two of the prophet's ffingers , a fountain spout with water – the once dry well turn fathomless well
Having left the place of AL-Go'rana , the prophet sent and prepared military campaigns , among these was one under the military leadership of Sa'ed ibn Abada ,who was given white standard and a black flag , he received orders from the prophet to camp in four hundreds of Moslems at a place called ( Kana) and also ordered him to go to a place in Yemen where the abodes of the tribe "Sadaa" , an important man from this tribe came to the prophet saying " O , the prophet of Allah , I am a delegate representing my tribe , make your army withdraw and I give you the allegiance of my tribe , so the prophet issued an order to Sa'ed to withdraw while he was still at the border of these abodes , then the man went and it wasn't long till he came back in the accompany of fifteen men from among his tribe .
Sa'ed asked the prophet to entertain them and he did honour and grant them with clothes and greeted them in the best way , later , he accompanied them to the prophet and they declared their allegiance to the prophet and became Moslems and they told the prophet that they would be the prophet delegation to the rest of the tribe and so Islam spread among them and later in the farewell pilgrimage , one hundred men attended this pilgrimage in which the prophet was .

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Number of posts : 61
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Registration date : 2008-01-14

The Prophet's miracles Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Prophet's miracles   The Prophet's miracles EmptyMon Mar 10, 2008 3:33 pm

Al-wakedy , the narrator of this story , also mentioned part of it on the authority of Alharth ibn Zyad Alsadey ,who said that it was him who came to the prophet asking him to withdraw his army and that he would bring his tribe for the prophet (to embrace Islam ) and so the prophet withdrew the army .
So when my tribe came and I was accompanying the prophet in one of his travels , the prophet said to me :" Are you obeyed and esteemed among your tribe ? ", "yes ,O prophet of Allah , just by the grace of Allah and His apostle " ; I said . When it was night the prophet proceeded his traveling and we accompanied him , I was strong enough so when the other people went different directions , I kept my myself close to the prophet . When it was early dawn , the prophet said to me " come close to me ." so I , on my horse back , came close to the prophet and we kept walking for a time and the prophet wanted to do wadoo ( ritual ablution ) so he said to me :" Do you have any water ?"And I said : I have some in my bowel .". H said " fetch it to me !" so , I fetched it and he said " pour it " and I poured from the pot intocup–like vessel then his companions began to gather , he then put the palm of his hand on the vessel and I saw a fountain spout with water between every two of his fingers and then said to me " But for my shyness from Allah , I would gather too much water and then did ablution and then said to me " announce among my companions " let come whoever needs to do ablution ." And they all came , it was then that Belal came to announce the call prayer and the prophet said " the man of Sedaa did the call prayer for gathering people and whoever made that, should do the call prayer for standing for the prayer "
So I did the call for praying , the prophet went forth to lead the Moslems in the prayer , I asked him before doing this prayer to make me a ruler over my tribe and to give a written decree of that and he did . Having finished his prayer , a man stood complaining of his ruler saying to the prophet " He mistreats us because of some misunderstanding and indifference that were between him and us before we converted to Islam " the prophet said " It is not good for a Moslem to rule the others ( meaning he should not seek that or any privileges from that ), another man stood before the prophet and said to him " Give me from the alms " , the prophet said that God didn't entitle to high ranking angel or a prophet to divide the alms between people till He classified those who have the rights of it into eight categories: if you are among these categories , I will give youand if you are rich (and take it ) it will be headache in your head and a disease in your abdomen ( meaning that you draw God's wrath on yourself )
I said to myself " these are two privileges that I asked the prophet for : I asked him to appoint me a ruler and I am a Moslem and I asked him for an alms and I don't need it , so I said to the prophet " here are your already given decrees , take them back ." So the prophet said "why?" and I said to him I have already heard you saying "it is not good for a Moslem to be a ruler over people and I am Moslem and I heard your saying about the one who asks for alms though he is not in need of it and I am not in need of them " so the prophet said: " What I said is the truth and annulled his two decrees. " and then the prophet said to me " Recommend some one from your tribe to appoint him as a ruler ." so I recommended someone from them and the prophet appointed him ."
I said to the prophet " O , apostle of Allah , we have a well that, when it is winter, gushes some water that suffices us but when it is summer , its water doesn't suffice us . We had to go to other wells of water and , now , we are still few Moslems and we fear to do that (meaning going to the wells of water that are in possession of non Moslems ) , so pray for us , the prophet asked me to get him seven pebbles and I did , he rubbed them with his hands and gave them to me saying to me " When you come to this well , throw the stones one by one and mention God's name (every time) " , when I came to the well , I did as the prophet said , so the well's fathom has never been seen again from that time until now ."
444- Water spouts among the prophet hands and three hundred people did the ablution
Anas b. Mâlik relates that Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) and his Companions were at a place in the market of Madînah known as al-Zawrâ’. The Prophet (peace be upon him) called for a vessel containing water. He dipped his hand in it, and thereafter water began to spout between his fingers, and all the Companions were able to performed their ablutions with it.
When Abû Hamzah, the uncle of Anas, was asked how many people there were, he answered that there were about three hundred. [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (3572) and Sahîh Muslim (2279)
445- All the hosts drink and do ablution from just one pot .
Once , the prophet got up in the morning and there was no water in the hosts camp , so a man came to tell the prophet , the prophet retorted saying " Do you have anything ( vessels) ?" , the man said "yes" , so the prophet ordered him to bring it , so the man brought him a vessel with a little water in it , and the man said " The prophet dipped his fingers in the mouth of the vessel and parted between his two fingers and , said the man , water gushed out from between his fingers and the prophet ordered Bilal to call people for the blessed ablution . ( Ahamed collection , Tabrany collection and also in AL-Bedya wa ALnehya )
446- seven pots ofmilk to kills the infidels' hunger and just one pot suffices him upon embracing Islam .
It is narrated on the authority of Abu-Hurrira that " The prophet hosted a disbeliever , the prophet ordered a goat to be milked for him , so the goat was milked and the man drank its milk , seeing that the man was still hungry, the prophet ordered another to be milked and the man drank its milk and another one milked and he drank its milk and he kept as so till seven goats were milked for him till he ate his fill , when the man got up the next morning he embraced Islam and the prophet ordered a goat to be milked for him to drink and he dank its milk and when the prophet ordered for another one to be milked for him he drank just a little and could not complete drinking all its milk : the prophet said commenting on this "just one milk pot suffices a believer while a disbeliever needs seven to kill his hunger" ( Moslem Collection )
448-Tabouk , the once-little water well ,overflows with water .
449-Tabouk , the once-barren unfrequented land becomes densely populated green land
450-Knowing the liar
It is narrated on the authority of Mou'z ibn Gabel , may God bless him , that " we went with the prophet in his invasion to Tabouk , he , during the time of the invasion , used to do some of the involuntary prayers together ; he did the zhur and A'sr prayer together and the Magrib and Aissha prayer together and he kept doing this until a day when he adjourned the prayer ; he , then , come out ( of his tent ) and prayed the Zhur and As'r prayer together then went back (to his tent ) and then went out and did the prayer of Magrib and Aisha prayer together and then said " Insha Allah , you will pass by the well of Tabouk and you won't pass by it until the day comes to light , so whoever reaches it first should not touch it till I reach it ." when we reached it , we found two men preceded us to it and it was a fountain in the size of shoelace that spouted with some water .The prophet said to the two men " Did you touch it" The men said "yes" , the prophet reproached them and said to them what God willed . The narrator said " then they scooped out with their hands little by little some water till they could gather what can fill a vessel and the prophet washed his hands and his face in it and then they returned back the water( which the prophet used ) and the fountain overflowed with too much water and the people drank and took what sufficed them and then the prophet said " O Mou'z , it won't be long time , if you live long , before this place turns to be a place with many gardens . "This is among the prophet's miracles ; this place has been populated anr replete with gardens and buildings since the time of Abu-Baker , another miracle is that the area is replete with water and another miracles is discovering that the two people lied .( Moslem's collection , chapter of the miracles of the prophet )

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