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 Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle

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Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle Empty
PostSubject: Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle   Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle EmptySat Dec 22, 2007 10:53 am

By Sayed Qutb

Hard on the heels of the scene ending with Satan's expulsion from
Heaven follows a scene in which we see Allah looking at Adam and his wife.
Only at this point do we realize that Adam has a wife of his own
species. We do not know how she came to exist.

The passage that relates this story of the creation of humans and similar passages in the Qur'an do not tell us anything about the creation of the female human being.
All the reports that speak of her being created out of Adam's rib
belong to Israelite literature. As such, they are not totally reliable.

What we can say without fear of being contradicted is that Allah created for Adam a spouse of his own type to make them a couple. Making all species in couples is a law applicable to all creation. Allah says in the Qur'an,

[And of all things We have created pairs so that you may reflect.) (Adh-Dhariyat 51:49)

Keeping this rule in mind, it seems that this was not long before Eve was created and that this creation of Eve must have been in the same manner as Adam's creation.[1][1]
Be that as it may, both Adam and his wife are now addressed to outline Allah's commandment to them. They are to be given their experiences so that they are prepared for the fulfillment of their basic role for which they have been created. This is the role of vicegerency on earth, as is stated clearly in the Qur'an: [And when your Lord said to the angels, "I will create a vicegerent on earth.") (Al-Baqarah 2:30)
InParadise, there have been rules for Adam and his wife to live by:

[And (as for you), Adam, dwell you and your wife in the Garden and eat, both of you, whatever you may desire, but do not come near thistree,for then you will be of the unjust.) (Al-A`raf 7:19)

The Qur'an remains silent about what kind of tree it was, because providing any specific information on this point does not add any particular information about the purpose of prohibition. Withholding such information lends weight to the view that the prohibition itself was the objective.
Allah has permitted Adam and his wife the enjoyment of what He has made lawful and commanded them to steer away from what has been forbidden.
It was necessary to identify something as forbidden so that
the human race could learn that people must not exceed their limits.

Thus, humans' will is created such that they can control their desire and caprice. Humans are thus able to elevate themselves above the level of animals who respond involuntarily to their desires and cannot control them. This is indeed the quality that distinguishes humans from animals.
Now Satan begins to play the role for which he dedicated himself — a role against a unique creation whose birth was so graciously announced by Almighty Allah Himself before the Supreme Society in a grand celebration. Furthermore, Almighty Allah ordered the angels to prostrate themselves to Adam and expelled Satan from heaven on his account.
We are told how Allah has created humans with a dual nature. They are capable of following both the right and wrong paths. They have inherent weaknesses and desires that can lead them astray, unless they observe Allah's commandments.

Thus, Satan saw his chance and began to play on human desires: [But Satan whispered to them both so that he might show them their nakedness, of which they had been unaware. He said, "Your Lord has forbidden you this tree lest you two should become angels or
immortals." And he swore to them both, "I am indeed your sincere adviser."
) (Al-A`raf 7:20–21)

We do not know how the whisperings of Satan took place because we do not even know Satan's nature or from what he is made, let alone that we do not understand how he acts.
We cannot say how he establishes his contact with humans or how he tempts them. But we know for certain, based on the Qur'an, that temptation to do what is forbidden does actually happen in order to encourage humans to do what is evil.
Such temptation relies on the weaknesses in the human nature, but such weaknesses can be transformed into strengths through faith and remembrance of Allah. None of Satan's schemes can be of any effect with a believer who remains conscious of his Lord.
Thus, Satan whispered to them in order to show them their nakedness. This was his aim. They certainly had unsightly parts of which they were unaware because they were made not to see them. We will soon learn from the Qur'anic passage that these were, in their physical constitution, requiring to be covered. Hence, we may understand this as a reference to their private parts.
Satan did not reveal to them his objective but continued to play on their desires:

[He [Satan] said, "Your Lord has forbidden you this tree lest you two should become angels or immortals.") (Al-A`raf 7:20)


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Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle   Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle EmptySat Dec 22, 2007 10:57 am

He knew the inner desires of humans: They love to be immortal or at least to have a very long life; they also love to be angels who are not limited to a short lifespan.
In the Qur'anic text, the Arabic word that refers to angels is also read in a different form so as to make it mean kings. Only a change of a short vowel, which is not always written in Arabic script, is needed to make the word denote either meaning. This second reading is further supported by the statement reporting Satan's whispers to Adam in Surat Ta-Ha: [O Adam, shall I lead you to the tree of immortality and to a kingdom that never decays?)(Ta-Ha 20:120)

According to this reading, the temptation offered by Satan was that of everlasting wealth and immortality. These represent humans' two strongest desires. It can be said that sexual desire itself is only a means to fulfill a desire for immortality — a desire to perpetuate human existence one generation after another.
If we take the first reading, which makes Satan's words refer to angels, then the temptation is slightly different. He is tempting them with the removal of the limitations of their bodies so that they can become angels with unending life.
Although the second reading, which speaks of an everlasting kingdom, is less well known, it is more in line with the other Qur'anic statement quoted above and fits more perfectly with Satan's scheming when he tries to play on humans' desires.

Fall From Heaven
Wicked as he is and knowing that the prohibition of that tree was firmly rooted in Adam's and Eve's minds, Satan thought to shake their firmness by assuring them that they had nothing to fear. He coupled that with tempting them with the fulfillment of their desires. He swore to them that he gave them only sound advice and that he was sincere in that advice:

[ And he swore to them both, "I am indeed your sincere adviser") (Al-A`raf 7:21)

Tempted by the influence of their desires and the reassuring effect of Satan's oath, Adam and his wife forgot that Satan was their enemy who would never point out something good to them. They became oblivious of the fact that Allah had issued a commandment to them, which they had to obey, whether they recognized its purpose or not.

They further forgot that everything takes place in accordance with Allah's will. If it is Allah's will that they should not be immortal or should not have an everlasting kingdom, then they will have neither. They forgot all this and yielded to Satan's temptation: [So by deceit he [Satan] brought about their fall. And when they both had tasted of the tree, their nakedness became apparent to them and they began to cover themselves with leaves from the Garden. Their Lord called out to them, "Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you both that Satan is your open enemy?) (Al-A`raf 7:22)

The temptation was thus complete and yielded its bitter fruit. With this
violation, Satan brought them down from the level of obeying Allah to
that of disobeying Him. Thus he caused their delusion:
[ So by deceit he brought about their fall) (Al-A`raf 7:22).

Now they realized that they were naked after they were unaware of those bodily parts that should remain covered. They began to gather leaves from the trees of heaven and patch them together to cover their nakedness. The way all this is expressed in the Qur'an suggests that this is a reference to the physical private parts, which human beings are naturally too shy to expose. They expose these parts only when their nature is corrupted under the pressure of the traditions and practices that prevail in the societies of jahiliyyah (pre-Islamic ignorance).

The Lord called out to them, [Did I not forbid you that tree and tell you both that Satan is your open enemy?) (Al-A`raf 7:22)

They heard their Lord's reproach for their disobedience and for their heedlessness of His advice. As to how this reproach was made and how they heard it, these are matters of which we have no knowledge other than that they took place. We accept that as we accept the statement that their Lord spoke to them the first time and also spoke to the angels and to Iblis (Satan). Allah does what He wants.
With this address from on high, the other side of human nature is revealed. Humans are liable to forget and to err. They have weaknesses that give Satan the opportunity to delude them. They do not always maintain the right path. However, they recognize their mistakes and regret them.
They seek Allah's help and forgiveness. They are ready to turn back to
Allah. They neither insist on disobedience as Satan did nor request
their Lord to help them sink deeper into error:

[They said, "Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and unless You grant us forgiveness and bestow Your mercy upon us, we shall certainly be of the losers.)
(Al-A`raf 7:23)

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Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle Empty
PostSubject: Re: Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle   Humans and Satan:A Perpetual Battle EmptySat Dec 22, 2007 10:59 am

This is one of humans' main characteristics: establishing bonds with their Lord. This opening of the doors leading to their Lord involves admitting error, hastening on repentance, seeking forgiveness, feeling one's weakness, and seeking Allah's help and mercy. Humans should be certain all the time that their own power is of no avail unless Allah helps them and
bestows His mercy on them; otherwise they are lost.

Thus, the first experience is completed. Humans' main characteristics are thus outlined. They have become aware of these characteristics, and they have gone through this experience. It all provides them with the necessary
equipment to fulfill their task as vicegerents on earth. They can now enter into the battle against their enemy, which is meant to be an unabated battle:

[He [Allah] said, "Get you down hence [and be henceforth] enemies to one another, and there is for you in the earth an abode and a provision for a time." He [Allah] said, "There shall you live, and there shall you die, and from there shall you be brought forth [on the Day of Resurrection]."] (Al-A`raf 7:24-25)

They all fell down and descended to this earth. But where were they? Where is Heaven? All that belongs to the realm that remains unknown to us except insofar as Allah, Who holds the keys to that realm, tells us.
Any attempt to discover that realm after revelations have ceased is bound to be futile. Any denial of it based on what is familiar or what is known today to human beings is a mark of arrogance. Humans' knowledge certainly falls short of trying to discover this unknown world without the proper tools and means.

Humans are both conceited and arrogant when they deny the existence of that undeniable realm that lies beyond the perception of their senses. In the world of matter, which is within humans' own world, what is unknown is much greater than what is known.

All of them — Adam and his wife and Iblis and his ilk — fell down to earth where they began their fight fuelled with hostility. The battle rages
between two natures; one of them is completely devoted to evil, while
the other has a dual aspect that responds to good and evil. Thus, the
test begins and Allah's will is done.

Adam and his offspring are destined to remain on earth where they have the power to build it and to enjoy its comforts for a while. On earth
they live and they die before they are resurrected; it is when they
return to their Lord at the end of their great journey. He then assigns
them either to Heaven or to Hell.

The first round in the battle is over, but it is to be followed by numerous rounds. Humans will be victorious when they seek help from their Lord and follow the path He has shown them. They will end up in defeat whenever they defer to their enemy.

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[1] Editor's
Note: The scholars of tafseer (exegesis of Qur'an and Sunnah) are of
the view that Eve was created from Adam's rib, as Almighty Allah says,
humankind, be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a
single soul and from it created its mate and from them twain has spread
abroad a multitude of men and women
)(An-Nisaa' 4:1). Also, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Treat women kindly, for women were created from a bent rib" (Al-Bukhari).

  • This article is based on the English translation of the author's work Fi Zilal Al-Qur'an (In the Shade of the Qur'an), Volume VI, translated and edited by Adil Salahi and published by the Islamic Foundation and Islam Online
Sayed Qutb(1906-1966)
was a prominent and influential Muslim intellectual and writer. He wrote many books about Islam and its distinctive features as a comprehensive way of life. Among his most important works is his exegesis of the Qur'an
In the Shade of the Qur'an, which was widely welcomed among Muslims and established itself as one of the best references in Qur'an exegesis.

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